

BDNY 2019 - Trade show ROI


Attended BDNY this past Sunday. The show provides a great opportunity to view the latest trends in hospitality interior finishes. The “resimercial” influence was pervasive. In flooring all categories were well represented. The Porcelain category was particularly evident.

A key question exhibitors struggle with is measuring ROI from exhibiting at trade shows. Very few companies utilize CRMs or other technology. These technologies can provide the capability to identify various levels of engagement. Actual orders provide revenue so are the “hard” R in ROI. But there are other levels of subsequent customer engagement that are valuable and can be considered the soft R in ROI. These include:

  • First time sample requests/project opportunities from a previously opened customer.

  • Sample requests/project opportunities from a stagnant (previously active) customer.

  • Opening new customers.

  • Providing exposure to a new market segment.


EventsMark NestlerComment